
Aw, Professor

In honor of my wonderful and inquisitive students. Welcome to this collection of my "Aw, Professor" memes, which began in 2018 as a series of replies to (usually) imagined pleadings from students. Among my many blessings as a professor is the fact that I have never actually had a student start a question this way. But I often hear -- or make up -- questions that can be asked and answered in this tone. Since May 2018, I have created enough of these that I decided they should have their own home in the blogosphere. Click the title of each entry -- or "read more" under it -- to see each meme.

Aw, Professor: Millionaires

 In honor of misplaced adoration. Hundredaires are falling all over themselves to defend and adore billionaires in my country, particularly a famously fake billionaire who convinced him he was keeping his finances secret in order to cheat on his taxes. He was, as most of us understood all along, concealing the fact that he had squandered his inheritance and would be relying on his fanbase to buy a lot of hats and flags to help him make bail.

Aw, Professor: Learning Loss

  In honor of the Testing Industrial Complex

Aw, Professor: Winter Woes

 In honor of architecture that lacks resilience

Aw, Professor: Comeback

In honor of resumption

Aw, Professor: Easy There

 In honor of digital progress.

Aw, Professor: Bloat

 In honor of small universities with more vice presidents than a person has fingers.

Aw, Professor: Generalist

 In honor of people -- like me -- who could not decide what to be when they grow up.